Friday, June 29, 2007

Day Five and Six- June 21 and 22, 2007

Day 5- Bible School was great today. The kids are coming and listening to the word of God. We had a long day today. We did home visitation during the morning and others planted eco gardens. I was on the home visitation team. We had the opportunity to pray with many people about problems in their lives. Many of them invited us into their houses. All of the homes we visited were neat and clean. Some of the homes do not have any grass in the yard so they sweep their dirt and put patterns in it.

After the visitation, we had lunch. After lunch we went to Bible School. We went back to the African church. Josh and Shirley shared their testimonies. Marty preached again. There was much dancing and singing.

We got back to the farm around 8:30 P.M. We had supper with the best mashed potatoes ever. We also had pork sausage and salad.

Day 6-
Our day began with picking up Beaver from his safari. He had a great time. Then we went to an old folks' home. Alisha, Margie, and Carla shared their testimonies. We sang some songs and Beaver preached a short message. We took a small tour and then we went to a day care in Ext. 26. The puppets performed and the kids loved them. After the day care we went around and invited people to the Jesus Film tonight at the clinic.

Bible School was a little cramped today because there was a tournament on the soccer field. The Lord showed up and we had a great time. After Bible School we went to Ext. 26 and set up the Jesus film at the clinic. Over 120 people were at the film. After the film, Makgale gave a message and many people prayed the salvation prayer.

We came back to the farm and had spaghetti and salad for supper. Makgale gave our devotion.

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